The u3a is a membership organisation run by volunteers offering untold benefits for a low annual fee.
We have a flexible fee arrangement:
Receiving information by email is £22 p.a. for an individual, and £40 for two people at the same address.
Individual postal membership is £35 p.a. and £55 for joint membership. You will receive our regular bulletins and quarterly magazines by post.
There are separate application forms for individual or joint membership - use the links here or on the Documents page. Please print and post your form to the address given, or you can request a paper copy.
If you are already a member of another u3a we give you, or a couple, a £5 discount.
The u3a membership/financial year runs from 1st August until 31st July the following year. From 1st April we offer a discounted price for the remaining few months.
You can pay your fee by bank transfer or cheque – all details are on the forms.
If you pay tax we do ask you please to sign the Gift Aid section on the form. This will be the ONLY thing you have to do, but it does mean we will receive benefit from HMRC which helps to keep fees low.
We adhere to data protection regulations to keep your information safe and secure, and we do not share it with third parties. Your data is used to keep you informed about activities & events; to enable Group Leaders to get in touch; to provide information so that you receive the national mailing – u3a Matters – five times a year; to send you information about renewing your membership and about the Annual General Meetings,
Your membership offers medically researched benefits of social contact, increased wellbeing, the opportunity to contribute and share your skills and experience, reduce the risks of isolation and enhance your life.
There are plenty of Interest Groups to join, opportunities to start new ones, people to meet and places to go. The groups are self-financing and costs vary depending on the activities but are always very low. You will receive six Bulletins and three Croydon Magazines each year. As a member of Croydon u3a you will automatically be a member of London Region u3a and able to take part in their activities and talks as well as all that the national u3a has on offer. The choice is astounding.
You will be part of a UK wide organisation with 400,000 members belonging to 1,030 different u3as.
Don’t delay. Join today!