Croydon u3a

February News from the Chair

1st February 2025

February News from the Chair


We are developing our offer all the time with new groups popping up. This month our brand-new Song-a-Long will be starting. Trips down memory lane; remember those favourite tracks from a few decades ago? Singing is good for us – it encourages more efficient breathing. Singing in a group is even better as it fosters enjoyment in social contacts. Singing songs from our youth IS THE BEST EVER for brain health and mood. It’s clinically proven, I kid you not!

If you are not a member (yet!) you can attend a monthly meeting on the ‘try before you buy’ principle. Please get in touch – go to the Contact Us section on this website and send me a message.

Our brand-new website is looking so good – barely a month old and growing daily. It’s been a lot of work for the web team, especially our web manager, and we are delighted with the new look.

There’s lots of change happening within the u3a organisation. Soon there will be a newly constituted Board and a Council, following elections later this month. The aims are to streamline governance and enable local u3as to be more involved with policy and decision making. We want to grow the movement and increase public awareness of what a truly fantastic organisation this is and how membership enhances lives. A member, in jest, asked me last week, if we could have more days in the week, as her diary was bursting with u3a ‘stuff’. There’s no time to be lonely and isolated!

We have photographers and a film crew visiting us soon. There is a need for more photos for the u3a Image Library, which any u3a can use for their publicity. This is a great opportunity to showcase a small part of what we are about.

Take care and keep busy as we look forward to the arrival of Spring.

Very best wishes,


Jenny Wilson Chair of Croydon u3a

Upcoming events

Monthly Meeting
12th February 2025, 14:15

Zoom Quiz Night
17th February 2025, 19:30

Monthly Meeting
12th March 2025, 14:15

Zoom Quiz Night
17th March 2025, 19:30

Members' Lunch
19th March 2025, 13:30

Spring Craft Day
29th March 2025, 10:30 - 15:30

u3a Learn, Laugh, Live